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Es konnte leider nichts gefunden werden

Entschuldigung, aber kein Eintrag erfüllt Deine Suchkriterien

Es konnte leider nichts gefunden werden

Entschuldigung, aber kein Eintrag erfüllt Deine Suchkriterien


Frequently asked questions
from our community

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Enfold comes packed with beautiful demo sites which can be installed and easily customized to match your branding or make it your own unique site. Click here to view all of Enfold demos.
Importing a demo site and adding/replacing the content is a great way to get started. To import the demo with a single click simply go to Enfold > Import Demo and import the demo that suits your business.

After theme activation registering your theme is a significant step to ensure you will receive important theme updates that include new features and keep your website secure.

To register your theme go to Enfold > Theme Update and enter your ThemeForest username and a valid API key. Envato has put together a step by step guide to help you generate the API key please check the API key section.

From time to time we release new updates which enhance your theme with new features and security updates.

  • Login to WordPress and click on Dashboard > Update
  • Click on the Check button in the update page.

Advanced Layout Editor is a robust page builder with a simple drag and drop interface, it lets you create different page layouts in no time. Advanced Layout Builder (ALB) comprises of web elements like newsletters, tabs, background images/videos, sliders, forms, maps, media elements, social icons, grid layouts, columns and a lot more.

A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a „Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message being displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This error message does not mean that the theme you have purchased is broken, it simply means it has been uploaded incorrectly.


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